Some symptoms of menopause

7:32 PM

Menopause is a normal change seen in women’s health who are above 40. It’s symptoms are different with people so, it is important to know about it. Menopause means stopping of menstruation of women between 45-80.
In Nepal women above 49 get menopause. What causes menopause? There is a hormone called hypothalamus in the brain which controls the pituitary gland. Two hormones are excreted from it among which one reaches the ovary through blood and produces eggs. There are small cells around the eggs which produce progesterone and estrogen. The hormones go to the womb. Estrogen makes womb thick and progesterone makes the baby sack soft.
When there is absence of a baby, the hormones break and come out every month with blood which is called menstruation. With time the production of eggs decrease and the ovary also starts to degrade. When the stored eggs finish, menopause occurs. Some people get menopause in 3-4 years of these symptoms but some don’t get it even in 10-12 years.
Symptoms of menopause: Tiredness (lack of energy) Tingling body (feeling hot) Cold sweating at night Insomniac Bone corrosion, ache mood swing depression heart problems Uterus prolapse Leaking urine Among the problems, leaking urine does not get cured. Urine infection is very high at this stage. Frequently urinating is important to avoid it. Also take 10 minutes while urinating. Vomiting during night is also common. Itching and pain while intercourse is also very common. Not letting the lady part get dry is the best option for this problem.
Try different kinds of yoga because some have the potential to make the urinary pipe tighter. Many joint and bones related problems arise during menopause. Bone corrosion and joint pain are common. Adapt some simple ways t make menopause problems subtle: Use fan when you feel excess hot Wear thin clothes Bathe in clod water. Take long breathes. Taking long breaths cools down the body. Lose some weight. Exercise for it. Do not smoke or drink Control diet Get hormone therapy if you are sweating too much. Consulting a doctor about your problems.

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